Welcome to EDU Effective Business School,
I’m proud to say that our biggest motivation for founding the EDU Effective Business School was to help. To help adult working students from all over the world to become better and more successful. To give them a chance for a more satisfying, fulfilling life.
I see a great potential in education and personal development. Here lies a real chance for the working students to develop and improve. This will help not only themselves, but also their families, communities and whole nations.
This is something I realized when I was travelling with my family. Visiting the less fortunate parts of the world, we saw that financial restraints are often the main thing that prevents them from educating and developing themselves.
It was my wonderful wife who asked how we can help these people who want to study but can’t afford it. And the answer was the founding of EDU Effective Business School.
I believe that Effective MBA will be a worthy part of the effort to make our country – and the whole world – a better place to live. I believe that it will help students and graduates become a part of international community able to help and rely on each other.
Dr. Pavel Makovsky
Chair of the Board of Trustees and Founder