How does Innovative Effective MBA work in 14 simple steps?
The effective MBA program is prepared and designed exactly for you – working adults with very little time and therefore, it brings you the greatest benefits:
For the MBA program to bring you the maximum for your development, our experts have prepared several specializations from which you can choose the most beneficial and interesting one for you.
How does the Effective MBA work?
The entry requirements are:
Our learning videos also contain English transcripts and English subtitles, so it´s easier for you to understand better. You can also slow down or speed up the videos. This again helps to understand the English language better. Moreover, you can choose English or any other language of your choice for the written outputs.
The whole MBA program consists of 10 modules and lasts 10 months or even less, depending on how much time you will devote to it.
However, you can study even longer, and it’s totally up to you.
Each of the 10 modules is divided into 30 daily blocks, which are gradually unlocked after completing the previous block.
The daily block lasts 15 minutes. However, you also have the option of additional materials available to deepen your knowledge beyond 15 minutes of studying per day.
The daily block consists of mandatory and voluntary parts:
After completing the daily block, the next block will open for you to continue your studies.
Every 6 days, you will get a tip on a recommended eBook or audiobook to deepen your knowledge on the given topic.
Measuring the progress of your studies is very important to us, and it takes:
You have unlimited attempts to pass all the tests.
You are always in control of your study progress in your student account.
After completing the module, you will write down a brief personal action plan to set learning objectives for yourself and how best to apply the acquired knowledge in real-world practice.
As a confirmation of your study progress, you will also receive certificates that can be used, for example, for your CV, Linked In, or other social media:
Completing your studies requires:
After successful completion of the program, you will receive:
Your successful studies save money and help charity!
We guarantee that we will refund your money back if you decide not to continue the program, no matter the reason.
Supporting you during your studies is our priority, and you can always rely on us. Your personal study advisor will be in touch with you in the form of your choice, for example:
Sign up today and start improving and working on yourself with an Effective MBA.
We look forward to welcoming you to EDU Effective!
i want to gave online classes. can i
After successfully completing the course and obtaining an MBA degree, will I still have access to the memo of the account and the opportunity to watch specific videos again at any time in the future?