EDU Online Graduation Ceremony

Were you sad that you won’t be able to attend the graduation ceremony? We heard you!

We realize that traveling to attend our Graduation ceremony might be quite troubling for many of you, therefore, we decided to organize an online ceremony.

EDU Effective from November 2021 prepares for all its graduates of MBA programs, LL.M., and DBA programs festive online graduation so that we can celebrate together and enjoy the momentous moment, which the successful completion of the study unquestionably is!

The graduation ceremony is intended not only for graduates of the EDU Effective programs but also for their family members, friends, and many others, who will also be able to attend and thus be present at the graduation ceremony and meet other successful graduates.

The ceremony will take place in the online environment of the Zoom platform with the participation of our alumni, representatives of the EDU Effective Business School, and other guests of this important event.

Each online ceremony will hold up to 25 graduates and everyone gets space to say a few words.

Of course, there will be more dates and times, so that as many graduates and their guests as possible can attend, on the dates that will most suit them due to their time possibilities and the different time zones in which they are located. At the moment, students from more than 50 countries around the world and many time zones are studying for EDU Effective Business School.

The recorded version will be later posted on our website and YouTube channel EDU Effective so that everyone can remember this important day at any time in the future!

You can reserve your spot for this online event in the dates and times we will publish during October and we are already looking forward to meeting you all.

The graduation ceremony will be another opportunity to get to know each other and along with networking opportunities within the student system, the community of students and alumni on social networks (such as LinkedIn, Facebook, etc.) will contribute to the development of personal contacts between EDU students and graduates and to the sharing of experiences, ideas, and ideas of this fast-growing community.

We are extremely proud of all our graduates and we hope that we’ll be able to enjoy the most festive moment of your life as EDU students.

Stay tuned for more information, we look forward to seeing you!


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