Ph.D. Effective Online

(Doctor of Philosophy)

100 % Online | 2 roky | 15 minut denně | 152 675 Kč za celé studium| Charita

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Ph.D. program u EDU Effective Business School

100 % online

Získejte znalosti pečlivě vybrané z nekonečných možností online světa!

  • Získejte Ph.D. Diploma vydaný EDU Effective Business School US
  • Pravidelně aktualizovaný obsah
  • Studuje kdykoliv, kdekoliv a vlastním tempem
  • Začněte studovat třeba dnes

15 minut denně

Vědecky prověřená metoda microlearningu


  • 15 minut dlouhé denní bloky
  • 2 roky
  • 12 modulů
  • 100% flexibilní

Ph.D. Management

  • The Management area is the key requirement for a successful company, NGO, start-up or businessman.
  • Ph.D. General Management will teach you the most important principles necessary for managers, businessmen or those who will want to start their career in the field.
  • Includes all the necessary background necessary for managers, businessmen or those who will want to start their career in the field.
  • Within the Scientific-research module I.-VI., the student will get acquainted with the procedure of dissertation preparation, research methods, writing and defense of the dissertation.
  • Poslední dva moduly jsou stvořené pro dokončení, odevzdání a obhajobu disertační práce. Student si vybírá téma disertační práce ze své oblasti studia.
  • Načerpejte inspiraci a zkušenosti od expertů, koučů a manažerů z úspěšných firem jako jsou AirBnB, BuzzFeed, Microsoft, Adidas, Nike, Kraft Heinz Company, Tesla, JetBlue, Danone, Alphabet, SC Johnson, Infor, IBM, Reddit, YouTube, LinkedIn, Yum!, Carnival, Uber, Casper, Levi's, Trivia a další..

Je pro mě studium Online Effective Ph.D. to pravé?

Ph.D. Management se skládá ze 12 Modulů

Effective Ph.D.

1. Strategic Management

Content includes: Strategic Planning, Global Strategy, Growth Strategies, Recession-Proof Strategies, The Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0), Managing Globally

2. Effective Leadership

Content includes: Leadership Insights, Digital Leadership, Social Media for Leadership, Transitioning from Manager to Leader, Lead Like a Boss, Leadership Philosophy, Practical Skills

3. General Management

Content includes: Management, Managing in Difficult Times, Managing Virtual Teams, Working on a Cross-Functional Team, Coaching Skills for Leaders and Managers, Managing New Managers, Business, Business Innovation, Machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI), Effectively Leading Digital Transformation, Business Ethics

4. Offline Marketing

Content includes: Marketing, Offline Marketing, Marketing Strategies, Branding, Product Marketing, Tips for Marketing, Driving Innovation, Writing a Marketing Plan, Competitive Market Analysis, Targeting, Value Proposition Development, Customer Segmentation, Marketing Effectiveness (ROI), Marketing Budget, Winning Back a Lost Customer, Creating a Marketing Culture, Machine Learning for Marketing, Marketing to Millennials, Top 10 Marketing Challenges

5. Online Marketing

Content includes: Online Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Social Media Monitoring, Marketing on Facebook, Marketing on LinkedIn, Advertising on YouTube, Marketing on Instagram, Social Media Marketing ROI, Lead Generation, Content Marketing - Social Media, Videos, Blogs, Staying Relevant, Creating a Marketing Growth Systém, Digital Marketing Trends

6. Scientific-research module I. - Research, Information literacy

Content includes: Information Literacy, Academic Research: Quantitative, Writing with Impact, etc.

7. Scientific-research module II. - Dissertation Writing I.

Content includes: Writing Case Studies, Writing a Research Paper, Writing a Strong Essay, Writing Articles, etc.

8. Scientific-research module III. - Dissertation Writing II.

Content includes: Writing in Plain English, Writing in Plain Language, Productivity Hacks for Writers, etc.

9. Scientific-research module IV. - Dissertation Writing III.

Content includes: Grammar Foundations, Advanced Grammar, Editing and Proofreading, etc.

10. Scientific-research module V. - Submission and evaluation of the dissertation

Content includes: In this module you submit your dissertation and the supervisor and the opponent will evaluate it. Successful evaluation is a condition for defending the dissertation.

11. Scientific-research module VI. - Dissertation defense preparation

Content includes: The aim of this module is your preparation for the presentation of a dissertation at the online presentation before a Board of Examiners.

12. Dissertation defense

Content includes: The last step of a successful Ph.D. study is an online defense of your dissertation and answer all the questions before the Board of Examiners.

Ph.D. Školné

Školné bylo poníženo o 17 % do Prosince 2022.

EDU Effective daruje na charitu až 2500 Kč za každého studenta, který dokončí studium včas.

Ph.D. Školné na splátky
18 x 11 900 Kč
18 x 9785 Kč
18 měsíčních splátek
176 130 Kč za celý Ph.D. program

Detaily o Ph.D. programu

Benefity & Vlastnosti

Studujte 100% Online
15 Minut denně


12 modulů
Dvě stipendia
Dostupná cena
Mezinárodní komunita
Studium vlastním tempem
Začněte kdykoliv
Studiem podporujete charitu


Naše metody online výuky

Effective Ph.D. se skládá z každodenních krátkých lekcí, které se řídí principy mikrolearningu. Díky tomu je snadné si každý den najít na studium čas, udržet pozornost a naučit se, co potřebujete v praxi.

Nejste si jistí, zda je pro vás tato metoda ideální? Vyzkoušejte si studium zdarma.

Jak funguje Effective Ph.D.?

Thanks to this program I started working for a recruitment agency and I immediately put my newly gained experience into practice."
Bc. Marie Rusnak Kocumova, DiS., MBAProcurement Specialist

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