Charity & Scholarship

Let's support charity and those who could not afford to study without your help.

We Support Charity


How does it work?

  • EDU Effective donates to charity up to €25 for each student who has completed their studies. Together we help those in need.

  • Graduates can decide to donate to a scholarship fund or support a charity organization from our list, or propose their own idea how to help.

  • We send the donation directly to charity or non-profit organization. You can read more about our donations here.

EDU Effective Charity List

Logo Nadačního fondu pivoňka

Nadační fond pivoňka

The Nadační fond pivoňka is a Czech non-profit organization led by two graduates of EDU Effective Business School.
Their main focus lies in supporting local projects in the fields of history, culture, education, and environment, aiming to create a better place for all while inspiring and connecting people. The projects Save the Church! and Moms for Moms are their first long-term initiatives you can support.
More information here.


Save the Children is a global membership organisation, made up of Save the Children International and 30 national members. Save the Children shares one name, one strategy and one ambition for children.
More information about Save the Children here.


The Civil Society Development Foundation has over 24 years of a “career” behind it, ranking it among the oldest and largest non-profit organizations in the Czech Republic. 
More information about The Civil Society Development Foundation here.


Konto Bariéry (Account Barriers) is the longest-running charity collection in the Czech Republic.  Konto Bariéry helps people with disabilities and organizations that care for them. The goal is to remove all barriers that hinder disabled people to be fully integrated into society. More informations (in the czech language) about Konto Bariéry here.

Doctors without borders logo


Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) translates to Doctors without Borders was founded in 1971 in Paris by a group of journalists and doctors. The organization provides medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare.  

More about Doctors without Borders here.


UNICEF works in over 190 countries and territories to save children’s lives, to defend their rights, and to help them fulfil their potential, from early childhood through adolescence. And we never give up.
More information about UNICEF here.




For more than 20 years, the C4C team has been giving a helping hand to less fortunate children and giving them a chance to succeed in life. Will you help us to continue to do so? Even a little help goes a long way!
More information about Chance 4 Children here.



Joseph James LeVesque  Scholarship Fund

How does it work?

  • EDU Effective collects donations from graduates and alumni, sponsorships and other contributions to a transparent account

  • Depending on the amount of collected funds, a minimum of 10 scholarships will be granted every year. The scholarship application release date will be announced on our website and social media.

  • Who can apply? Anyone, whose current financial situation doesn't allow them to pay for the studies, but has a strong motivation to work hard on their personal and professional development. For more information how to apply visit here.

Talent of the month

Milestones for offering the Scholarship

  • Our goal is to collect € 10.000 to open scholarships for students.
  • Once we collect 100 % of the amount, we will opened scholarship applications. 
  • We will select minimum of 20 students whose tuition will be 50% covered from Joe James LeVesque Scholarship Fund.
  • The last time we granted 10 scholarships was in March 2024. 

The application process has been closed. 
The scholarship recipients were announced on March 15, 2024.