Another EDU Effective Student´s Poem

 We are happy to share a poem about EDU Effective by our next student Mr. Dimitrios Karadimos.
Enjoy it!


“Ode to Global EDU Effective Business School”

If you want to study hard toward a global Master,
Then the way through EDU Effective will be rather faster.
And if you really want to take it further,
Then a Doctor’s degree is for a strong learner.

To catch that knowledge way above your self-esteem,
EDU Effective provides the best system.
Its pioneer asynchronous albeit realistic education,
Is very convenient and comes with tons of information.

No worries, though, EDU Effective will modify,
In the best way for you to succeed and qualify.
You see, this teamwork is obviously selective,
Thus to tell your story right, choose EDU Effective!

Thank you, Mr. Dimitrios Karadimos, for your great poem! It made us very happy!

Did the poem make you happy too?
Can you think of any others?
Please email it to us at!
We will be happy to publish the best ones.

Have a great day, all of us from EDU Effective Business School!


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